

Join 埃尔迈拉大学 on March 20 and Talk Climate And Justice Solutions

这是连续第三年了, mg冰球突破豪华版下载将加入数百所大学的行列, 大学, 12年义务教育学校, and faith organizations from around the world in a day devoted to conversations about climate solutions and climate justice during the 全球气候与正义宣讲会 3月20日星期三.

The EC event is open to the public and will include panel discussions, 以环境为主题的互动博览会, 低碳膳食选择, 以及环保升级跳蚤市场. The panel discussions will include topics about climate justice and solutions, 气候科学, 气候与健康, 气候与宗教, 和更多的.

“Many of the world’s challenges are heightened by climate change, 让这个话题影响到每个人. 我们的前两项活动非常成功, 大约有400名学生, 教员, 工作人员, 社区成员参加,”医生说。. Trevor Browning, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science. “We’re again excited to discuss practical and equitable solutions to one of the largest environmental issues on Earth. We’ve added more hands-on elements to the Interactive Fair in the 校园 Center, with demonstrations and a chance to win a raffle prize. We hope our students and the community will learn and engage in a rich dialog that will leave them feeling motivated and inspired to make changes and help find solutions.”

Join 埃尔迈拉大学 on March 20 and Talk Climate And Justice Solutions

Attendees can either join the panel discussions in person or virtually. 一小时的会议将在上午10点20分开始.m. 下午1:15.m. 美国东部时间. Details about the location and time for each panel are available on the 网络事件 页面. Check back frequently for virtual information and any possible changes.

“The panels are made up of 埃尔迈拉大学 faculty, 工作人员, Alumni, 以及我们更大社区的成员,”医生说。. Doc Billingsley, Assistant Professor of Anthropology. “虽然这次活动是全球运动的一部分, it is designed in such a way that we can focus on what we can do at the local level to address this global challenge. We are excited for the opportunity to meet and learn from each other.”

Join 埃尔迈拉大学 on March 20 and Talk Climate And Justice Solutions

从早上9点开始.m. - 3:00 p.m., the community (or attendees) can venture into the 校园 Center (CC) and Gannett Tripp-图书馆 (GTL) to find different climate and sustainability-themed vendors from the area such as Tanglewood Nature Center, 侧风农场, 和手指湖堆肥. In the GTL visitors will see a climate-themed art show. 上午11点开始.m. - 1:00 p.m., 拿起活动护照, 在CC的一层旅行, and visit the vendors and hands-on demonstrations, 包括教育主题的演示, 微生物学演示, “你们国家的气候”演讲, 时尚示范, 气候诗歌朗诵, 写作演示, 职业招聘会, 和更多的. Attendees can have vendors/demonstrators mark their card and then submit the passport for a chance to win a raffle prize.

Parkhurst Dining 服务 has arranged a low-impact meal option in the dining hall with locally sourced foods that require less energy to produce. 欢迎所有人. Standard dining fees apply and can be paid by credit card or cash.

Join 埃尔迈拉大学 on March 20 and Talk Climate And Justice Solutions

The Environmental Upcycle Flea Market will be from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 在GTL后面的第五街停车场. It will be moved under the GTL Portico if it is raining. The goal of the Market is to keep items out of landfills and give them a new life. Attendees can browse donated items and those left by students at the end of the academic year, 包括床上用品, 服装, 玩具, 还有小家具. Items are free, but monetary donations are accepted and will go to support the EC Environmental Club.

Details about the Climate Teach-In at 埃尔迈拉大学 are posted on 此事件页面. Check back frequently as more details will be added over time, including panel locations and virtual sign-in information.


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